Ethical Hacking Foundation in English
FireShark Academy
10 modules
Lifetime access
<p>Be a professional ethical hacker with the help of this online course, you can learn highly in-demand abilities and strategies and protect your system from any attack.</p>
In the 'Ethical Hacking Foundation' course, you will delve into the fundamental concepts and practices of ethical hacking in the English language. This course aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to identify potential security vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. You will learn about the ethical guidelines and legal implications of hacking, as well as the tools and techniques used by ethical hackers to secure information systems. Throughout the course, you will explore various topics such as network security, penetration testing, cryptography, social engineering, and more. You will understand the importance of ethical hacking in protecting digital assets and sensitive information from malicious cyber threats. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in ethical hacking principles and be able to apply them in real-world scenarios. Whether you are a beginner looking to start a career in cybersecurity or a professional seeking to enhance your skills, this course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of ethical hacking practices. Join us on this exciting journey to learn the ethical way of keeping information systems secure and safeguarded.
Key Highlights
Understanding the basics of ethical hacking
Exploring common hacking techniques and tools
Learning how to conduct ethical hacking assessments
Practicing hands-on penetration testing
Studying legal and ethical aspects of hacking
Enhancing cybersecurity skills and knowledge
Building a strong foundation in ethical hacking principles
Preparing for industry-recognized certifications
What you will learn
Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Learn the basics of ethical hacking, including terminology, concepts, and principles.
Understanding Cyber Security
Gain insight into the importance of cybersecurity in today's digital world.
Legal and Ethical Guidelines
Understand the legal and ethical considerations when conducting ethical hacking activities.
Penetration Testing Techniques
Explore various penetration testing techniques used in ethical hacking practices.
Risk Assessment and Management
Learn how to assess and manage risks associated with ethical hacking operations.
1. Introduction
13 attachments • 2 hrs
1.0 Highest Paying Security Certifications in India | Cyber Security Certification Roadmap [English]
1.1 Introduction to Information security [English]
1.2 Information security threats [English]
1.3 Introduction to cyber security [English]
1.4 The CIA triad [English]
1.5 Who are hackers [English]
1.6 Types of hackers [English]
1.7 Introduction to ethical hacking [English]
1.8 Information warfare [English]
1.9 Need for ethical hackers [English]
1.10 Careers in ethical hacking [English]
1.11 General terminologies [English]
1.12 How to become an ethical hacker [English]
2. Basics and Environment Lab Setup
25 attachments • 1 hrs
2.1 Advantages and Limitations of cybersecurity [English]
2.2 Cyber Defense [English]
2.3 Skills of an Ethical Hacker [English]
2.4 Information security policies [English]
2.5 Vulnerability research [English]
2.6 Introduction to OS Linux and it’s Evolution [English]
2.7 Major Linux Distributions [English]
2.8 Advanatages of Linux [English]
2.9 Linux for penetration testing [English]
2.10 Types of Hackers [English]
2.11 Phases of Ethical Hacking [English]
2.12 Introduction to Penetration Testing [English]
2.13 Phases of penetration testing [English]
2.14 Cybersecurity vs ethical hacking [English]
2.15 Ethical hacking Law and policies [English]
2.16 Software and hardware requirements for a hacking Lab [English]
2.17 Installing and configuring VMware WS [English]
2.18 Dual boot vs virtual machine [English]
2.19 Choosing and Downloading Kali Distro [English]
2.20 Configuring VM for Kali Linux [English]
2.21 Installing Kali Linux [English]
2.22 Installing and Configuring DVWA [English]
2.23 Installating and Configuring bWAPP [English]
2.24 Installing Metasploitable on VM [English]
2.25 Installing OWASP Broken Web Application on VMWare [English]
3.Linux Basics
19 attachments • 1 hrs
3.1 Whats is Linux and Unix [English]
3.2 Introduction to Command Line [English]
3.3 Windows command Line [English]
3.4 Linux command line [English]
3.5 Linux File System [English]
3.6 NTFS vs FAT vs EXT [English]
3.7 Linux User Administration [English]
3.8 Basic DOS Commands [English]
3.9 DOS Networking Commands [English]
3.10 Kali Hacking Os and linux file system overview [English]
3.11 Linux Elementary Commands [English]
3.12 Linux Networking Commands [English]
3.13 History and grep command [English]
3.14 Working with Linux User Administration [English]
3.15 Linux Working with Files, Permissions and Directories [English]
3.16 Working with Linux File Permissions [English]
3.17 Linux Working with Groups [English]
3.18 Linux Package Manager [English]
3.19 Linux Useful Files [English]
4.Networking for Cyber Security
15 attachments • 37.93 mins
4.1 What is network and networking [English]
4.2 The OSI model [English]
4.3 More on OSI model - Introduction to TCP-IP model [English]
4.4 TCP vs. OSI -the difference [English]
4.5 Data link layer and MAC addresses [English]
4.6 Network layer and IP addresses [English]
4.7 Classful IP addressing [English]
4.8 Classless IP addressing [English]
4.9 Transport layer [English]
4.10 Ports and port addressing [English]
4.11 Proxies and proxy server [English]
4.12 Introduction to tor [English]
4.13 Introduction to VPN [English]
4.14 Remote login - SSH and telnet [English]
4.15 Introduction to NAT and port forwarding[English]
5.Footprinting and Reconnaissance
37 attachments • 1 hrs
5.1 Intro to footprinting and objectives [English]
5.2 Footprinting through search engines [English]
5.3 Introduction to OSINT [English]
5.4 Email footprinting [English]
5.5 Website footprinting [English]
5.6 Competitive intelligence [English]
5.7 Internet archive [English]
5.8 WGET mirroring [English]
5.9 Website mirroring with httrack [English]
5.10 Whois lookup [English]
5.11 Introduction to DNS footprinting
5.12 DNS records resource [English]
5.13 DNS footprinting with DNS dumpster [English]
5.14 DNS google com [English]
5.15 Network footprinting [English]
5.16 Introduction and working of traceroute [English]
5.17 Traceroute analysis [English]
5.18 Introduction to maltego [English]
5.19 Maltego information gatering with domain name [English]
5.21 Maltego using the tool efficiently [English]
5.22 Maltego transform hub [English]
5.23 Maltego integration with shodan [English]
5.24 OSINT framework [English]
5.25 The harvester [English]
5.26 Shodan introduction and first look [English]
5.27 Shodan advanced search with dorks [English]
5.28 Whatweb [English]
5.29 Wappalyzer [English]
5.30 Sublist3r [English]
5.31 Subdomain finder websites [English]
5.32 netdiscover [English]
5.33 Major IP block [English]
5.34 Google Dorks Explained–What is Google Hacking [English]
5.35 Working with Google Dorks – Practical [English]
5.36 Footprinting with Social Engineering [English]
5.37 Footprinting coutermeasures [English]
39 attachments • 2 hrs
6.1 What is scanning [English]
6.2 Basics of scanning [English]
6.3 Scanning methodology [English]
6.4 Working with ping command for live hosts [English]
6.5 Angry IP scanner [English]
6.6 TCP flags [English]
6.7 TCP -3 way handshake [English]
6.8 Introduction to port scanning [English]
6.9 Port scanning methodology [English]
6.10 TCP port scanning - TCP connect scan [English]
6.11 Types of port scanning - TCP stealth scan [English]
6.12 Types of port scanning - TCP inverse scanner [English]
6.13 Types of port scanning - TCP XMAS scan [English]
6.14 Types of port scanning - ACK flag probee scanning [English]
6.15 Types of port scanning - UDP scan [English]
6.16 Introduction to NMAP and first look [English]
6.17 NMAP - port scanning [English]
6.18 NMAP - advanced port scanning [English]
6.19 NMAP - bypass firewall and IDS [English]
6.20 NMAP - types of scan [English]
6.21 Port scanning with hping3 [English]
6.22 Port scanning with pen-test tools
6.23 Colasoft packet builder [English]
6.24 Introduction to banner grabing [English]
6.25 Banner grabbing with ID serve [English]
6.26 Banner grabing with netcraft [English]
6.27 Evading IDS and Firewalls [English]
6.28 Scanning for vulnerabilities [English]
6.29 Nessus vulnerability scanner [English]
6.30 NMAP scripting engine [English]
6.31 Nikto web vulnerability scanner [English]
6.32 OpenVAS installation and configuration [English]
6.33 Vulnerability scanning with OpenVAS [English]
6.34 WordPress Vulnerability Scanning with wpscan [English]
6.35 Mapping networks [English]
6.36 Network topology mapper [English]
6.37 Spicework network mapper [English]
6.38 LAN state pro [English]
6.39 Scanning countermeasures [English]
20 attachments • 49.63 mins
7.1 Introduction to enumeration [English]
7.2 Techniques of enumeration [English]
7.3 NetBIOS enumeration [English]
7.4 SMB enumeration [English]
7.5 Working with netbios and SMB enumeration [English]
7.6 SNMP enumeration [English]
7.7 LDAP enumeration [English]
7.8 SMTP enumeration [English]
7.9 Working with SMTP enumeration [English]
7.10 DNS enumeration [English]
7.11 Introduction to DNS zones [English]
7.12 Introduction to DNS zone transfer [English]
7.13 DNS zone transfer using host command [English]
7.14 NSlookup tool [English]
7.15 DNS zone transfer using NSlookup [English]
7.16 Dig command [English]
7.17 DNS Zone Transfer using dig command [English]
7.18 NTP enumeration [English]
7.19 Enumeration countermeasures [English]
7.20 Port scanning introduction to masscan [English]
8.Hacking OS - Kali Linux
17 attachments • 2 hrs
01 Introduction to Kali [English]
02 Downloading and Installation for Kali Linux [English]
03 Kali Linux Login Page [English]
04 Kali Linux Desktop [English]
05 Kali Linux Change Settings [English]
06 Software Install and Remove Section [English]
07 User Permission [English]
08 File and Folder Management [English]
09 Video - Music Image In Kali Linux [English]
10 Hacking With Kali Linux [English]
11 Using NMAP [English]
12 Using Nessus [English]
13 Using Maltego [English]
14 Using Armitage [English]
15 Wi-fi Hacking Tools [English]
16 Using Metasploit Framework [English]
17 Using Meterpreter [English]
Download Ethical Hacking Tools
53 attachments
Kali Docs
Download / Get Kali
Kali Tools
VMware Workstation
Anti-Virus Software
ARP Poisoning Tools
ARP Spoofing Detection Tools
Banner Grabbing Tools
Buffer Overflow Tools
Covering Tracks Tools
Deep and Dark Web Footprinting Tools
Email Tracking Tools
Footprinting Tools
GitHub Tools
Hacking Web Applications
Honeypot Tools
Honeypot Tools
HTTP Tunneling Tools
Intrusion Detection Tools
LDAP Enumeration Tools
MAC Spoofing Tools
Malware Analysis Tools
NetBIOS Enumeration Tools
Network Discovery Tools
Packet Crafting Tools
Scanning Tools
Sniffing Tools
SNMP Enumeration Tools
Steganography Tools
Tools to Extract Password Hashes
Traceroute Tools
Trojans Types
Virus Maker
Vulnerability Assessment Tools
Web Server Footprinting Tools
Web Spiders
Website Mirroring Tools
WEP-WPA Cracking Tools
Wi-Fi Discovery Tools
Worm Maker
Global Network Inventory
NetScanTools Pro
1 attachment • 2 hrs
Ethical Hacking
About the creator
FireShark Academy
FireShark Academy is an online cyber security academy that offers courses and training programs to individuals interested in pursuing a career in the field of cyber security. The academy provides a range of courses on topics such as ethical hacking, digital forensics, network security, and more.
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